Friday, July 27, 2007


I'd like to cap the work-day with a smile on my face, despite of going through such rattling activities at work (it being end of 2nd quarter for this brand that I am assigned with). It was a pretty tough week but grace was just fabulous, that I got by! :)

Now let me share with you this is a photo I took yesterday at around 6pm, just right outside our bedroom window. Aren't sunsets just the most beautiful? The asthma of my Tiffey has set down as well, praise God. Thanks to you guys who prayed :)

Have a blessed weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Keeping Lola Basyang at Bay

Maybe blame my 30th year of existence for putting up this post. Or, maybe be happy about what's in store for you as you comb through this blog. Ok so our topic for today is getting older. Hehe. You'd have to bear with me today as I am terribly in a lethargic state, probly too tired and stressed out physically. My brain is falling short of some cells and my speech is almost slurring!

Did you know that the way you actually "feel" about getting old affects your own aging process? In a Yale School of Public Health survey of 70-80 people, those who described “aging” as “senile, weak, tired and sad” were more inclined to suffer from age-related problems than those who had a more positive outlook. Positive thinking now is even being used to help patients recover from heart attacks, drug addiction, surgery and all sorts of other disease or mental condition! Imagine that? Who would have thought that even just your perception can contribute to your aging process. No wonder I see grandparents who don't look like their age; and when you talk to them, they're so full of zest and life.

I really pray that I can develop more into this positive outlook and mindset. Nothing to lose! Positive thinking isn't about false expectations. It's about being at a sound mental state that will challenge a person's maturity to actually learn to juggle being realistic or idealistic. Slowing down the aging process is a good benefit of positive thinking. But heck, I think that's just the fudge on our sundae. Positive thinking will get us through life with much joy... (instead of feeling sorry about ourselves, or dwell on the shoulda-woulda-coulda's).

Let me go look at myself in the mirror... There, I look so like 20. Hahaha.

The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life (Proverbs 10:11).

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21).
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).

Friday, July 20, 2007

I Don't Like You

When people don't like you, smile and be happy. Let's face it, not everybody will like you. Not all that you meet will think nicely of you. Even when you exert much effort, some people won't really like the way you talk, the way you dress, the way you even flick your hair.

The good news is, you don't exactly need to please them all. You don't have to go so much out of your way to make people like you. Of course we have to remember to walk in the bounds of truth and logic when we carry ourselves. But what I'm trying to say is that, we can't drain our minds on how to look right or act right on another person's standards. You can't just blindly pattern who you are by using other people's preferences as your reference. Have your own.

The key here is LOVE. Not the cutie sweetie kind of love, but the love that springs forth from our Lord Jesus. When we find ourselves hating or disliking someone because of "Wala lang, di lang talaga kami vibes," or, "Wala lang, di ko lang sya gusto..alam mo yun?! Di ko sya feel!".. (sounds familiar?) .. we have to stop ourselves. We have to enlarge our circle of love. We need to make a conscious effort to understand that not everybody is the same as you, nor do they use the same standards that you use. Be nice. Be nice with a sincere heart. Is it THAT difficult to treat others with respect? Truth is, when we have Jesus in our hearts, love progressively becomes embedded in our nature. God will teach us how to love. God will teach each of us how to live according to His Will and not the will of your friend, your officemate, your partner or your family.

We were not born to please men but to please God. Know that even when the entire world hates you, God still thinks you are beautiful. When some people don't like you, smile and say it's perfectly okay. The burden will not be on you but on them. Isn't life wonderful? Let's not put it to waste by putting down other people or by molding ourselve to their standards.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fear of Lack?

Received a revelation yesterday. Actually twas something that I've known before but hearing God's Word again and again about provision in all aspects of our lives is a big relief for me. I love how God can bring calmness in my once-in-a-while chaotic emotional state. Let me share with you these materials that pulled me out of near breakdown yesterday.

Trusting in God's Promise
Fear of Lack by Pastor Steve Murrel

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Canon EOS 400D

I've been in and out a couple of electronic shops in Hong Kong, Singapore and Manila since the new Canon EOS 400D was introduced. Should I buy? Should I not? Do I go for it? What?!? I've recently been an advocate of being stingy (ok, frugal) and was debating within myself if it's really worth buying. After some pros and cons, I've decided to get one (hopefully) by end of July and seriously get into photography which I've been dabbling about here and there for almost two years.

Here's a well-written review on the camera.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Over time, we encounter questions in our walk with God that would either make us stumble in disbelief or simply build us up with more faith. I was thinking of FAITH yesterday because I was actually being suggested of being too much of a Christian "TALIBAN", paranoid of following even the simplest commands in the Bible. For a second there, I felt shaken, was almost into tears actually. Then thought, ano ba talaga dapat ang sundin ko. Is it God's Word or is it what other people think of me? For a good three minutes, I froze and tried to take a hold of myself. Good thing God can always change the situation and later on the attention was swayed to something else. There I was left into a daze, pounding my brain cells whether I should quit and just live life as I want to and therefore not be called a TALIBAN or anything even close to it. Throughout the rest of the day, nag-iisip lang talaga ako and I kept asking God to enlighten me, to comfort me, and I just sang in my head, worshipping Him.

Just before Sunday Service, we were on our way to church and it hit me. I will not let anything shake my faith. I will not let anyone tell me who I am or how I am supposed to act. Then came some other encouraging thoughts and convictions to help me improve as a person. Pastor Robert's preaching on the lives of Paul and Silas helped me overcome the dissuasion that haunted me earlier in the day. The goal is to please God, to praise Him in good or in bad, to magnify Him when troubles beset us. The goal is to FOCUS on Him no matter what. When bad things happen, answer this, "How will we respond?".

Perhaps what happened was, God allowed some pretty good jolting to strengthen me in my Christian faith. It's almost like taking sides. Are you in or are you out? Sa pula, sa puti? Deal or no deal? I sure don't want to fail and I sure don't want to make the wrong decision. Faith in Him and what Jesus did on the cross for me is my foundation. Now I need to even dig my heels in, more than before, to be sure that nothing can discourage me in my walk with the Lord.

- 1 John 5: 4 "For everone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our FAITH."
- Proverbs 4: 13 Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.
- Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.