Monday, December 05, 2005

Praying as One Family

For the first time last night, we learned to pray together as one family. Often times Oli and I would be caught up with our busyness and forget to pray with the kids but it's a nice feeling when we can all come together and feel God's presence among us. Tiff did a great job praying for guiding Oli and me as we work everyday, Tristan was so cute as he prayed for his classmate, Angelo, that he may improve his reading skills. Sure they weren't super behaved, but we finished praying for each other one by one, and that alone is a great accomplishment - and a start - for us to come together and glorify God for His goodness. God binds families, heals relationships and places an impenetrable hold to those who seek Him earnestly. This is something that I pray, would be a regular act of worship that we can do every night before going to sleep.

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