Sunday, May 14, 2006

T.D. Jakes

A few days ago I was listening to some of Joel Osteen's sermons over the web and man, I must say, God has moved and empowered this man to preach God's Word in a powerful, yet endearing way. If you've read the book Your Best Life Now, you would exactly understand how God can actually help you realize your full potential and leave different sorts of unnecessary baggages in life. Joel Osteen is indeed one of the annointed preachers in our time that can bring about inspiration for a tired humanrace such as ours.

So I came about texting my cellgroup leader, Jackie, of how blessed I am with one of Joel Osteen's Sunday sermons; she leads me then to a list of other good, if not, great preachers from around the world. There's Benny Hinn, Paula White, Juanita *something..sorry I forgot*.. then there's T.D. Jakes.

If you'd like to hear the Word of God preached in the most contemporary and most amusing way, I recommend for you to check out T.D. Jake's 24-hour broadcast and be blown away about the Word of God, all delivered in a manner that we can all comfortably listen to. T.D. Jakes is very much of a direct speaker. Able to bring the Word in a serious, yet hilarious style, all with an African-American flavor. Holler at me if you agree!

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